

113 produktů

  • Originální hotend od společnosti Snapmaker

    Originální náhradní hotend od společnosti Snapmaker - kompatibilní se všemi velikostmi.

    Skladem < 10 ks

    259 Kč

  • Enclosure for Snapmaker A250

    Enclosure for your Snapmaker printer to increase safety and reduce noice. Also great to keep heat inside so print more demanding materials like ABS.FeaturesLaser filteringNoise reductionSmell/fumes reductionCreates a safe and stable environment

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    12979 Kč

  • Enclosure for Snapmaker A350

    Enclosure for your Snapmaker printer to increase safety and reduce noice. Also great to keep heat inside so print more demanding materials like ABS.FeaturesLaser filteringNoise reductionSmell/fumes reductionCreates a safe and stable environment

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    15579 Kč

  • Snapmaker 5'' Touch Screen

    The 5 Touch Screen from Snapmaker is a replacement part designed specifically for the Snapmaker 2.0 3-in-1 3D Printer. This part is ideal for anyone who either needs a replacement or would like to have one in reserve in case of failure. With an extra unit on hand, you can continue printing with reduced downtime, keeping your production moving efficiently.

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    4659 Kč

  • Snapmaker 3D Printer Module

    The 3D Printer Module from Snapmaker is a replacement module used to print items with various filaments. This particular item is designed for the Snapmaker 2.0 3-in-1 3D printer, making this ideal for anyone who wishes for a replacement or would like to have an extra on hand to reduce project downtime.FeaturesUpgraded Cooling SystemCompatible with Dozens of MaterialsVisible Loading and...

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    3879 Kč

  • Snapmaker Linear Module - A350

    The Linear Module Replacement from Snapmaker is a replacement module used to hold the various Snapmaker 2.0 heads and is easy to replace. This particular item is designed for the A350 Snapmaker 2.0 3-in-1 3D printer, making this ideal for anyone who wishes for a replacement or would like to have an extra on hand to reduce project downtime.

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    3879 Kč

  • Snapmaker MDF Sheet-A250 / 200x200x3mm / 5-pack

    Basswood is ideal for laser engraving and CNC cutting. Its soft, fine, and even texture makes it easy to work with, while its pale and inconspicuous color doesn't take away the details of the engraved patterns of the finished product (which also makes the wood itself easier to paint and color).

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    319 Kč

  • Snapmaker Linear Module - A250

    The Linear Module Replacement from Snapmaker is a replacement module used to hold the various Snapmaker 2.0 heads and is easy to replace. This particular item is designed for the A250 Snapmaker 2.0 3-in-1 3D printer, making this ideal for anyone who wishes for a replacement or would like to have an extra on hand to reduce project downtime.

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    3619 Kč

  • Snapmaker 2.0 Quick Swap Kit - 350

    The Snapmaker 2.0 Quick Swap Kit is a new system that allows you to switch between functions quickly. Compatible with Snapmaker 2.0 A350T/A350/F350HighlightOne minute swapCompatible with all the toolheads that are compatible with Snapmaker 2.0Convenient to switch functions even in the enclosureAll-metal design to ensure reliability

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    4409 Kč

  • Snapmaker Extension Cord for Rotary Module 1.5m

    Fast and stable data transmission between the Integrated Controller and the Rotary ModuleMistake-proofing plugExcellent wear resistanceEasy to organize with cable ties or cable clip

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    239 Kč

  • Snapmaker 1064NM Infrared Laser Module

    Product Overview Engravable Materials: Various plastics and metals. Safety: Module tilt detection and protection. Easy:&nbsp;AB position. Easy-to-focus. Compatibility:&nbsp;Snapmaker 2.0, Artisan and Ray series.

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    12949 Kč

  • Snapmaker 2.0 Laser Module - 20W

    Snapmaker Laser Module are our latest high power diode laser addons, equipped with Air Assist. Users can upgrade their printers to much stronger desktop laser cutters with this powerful module.HighlightsCuts 10mm Basswood Plywood in one passEquipped with Air AssistAir Assist can be Controlled via LubanBuilt-in Quick Swap Mechanism

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    14039 Kč

  • Modulární 3D tiskárna Snapmaker 2.0

    Modulární tiskárna Snapmaker 2.0 je vybavena jedním modulem pro 3D tisk, ale lze ji rozšířit o další nástrojové hlavy.

    Na objednávku

    od 25199 Kč

  • Tisková podložka Snapmaker

    Náhradní tisková podložka pro Snapmaker 2.0

    Na objednávku

    od 799 Kč

  • Kryt na tiskárnu Snapmaker 2.0

    Kryt tiskárny zvyšuje bezpečnost a kvalitu tisku, pokud chcete CNC frézovat, gravírovat laserem, řezat laserem nebo tisknout s ABS.

    Na objednávku

    od 12699 Kč

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