
11 položek

  • FIBER3D PVA filament 1,75 mm 0,5kg

    PVA, polyvinylalkohol, je vodou rozpustný materiál, který je ideální pro tisk podpěr složitějších modelů s převisy a špatně dostupnými místy. Průměr filamentu: 1,75 mm ± 0,02 mm. Balení 0,5 kg - obsahuje cca 166 m struny o průměru 1,75 mm. Dodáván v odstínu transparent.

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    489 Kč

  • PVA natural filament 1,75 mm 0,5 kg eSUN

    Filament PVA od výrobce eSUN je kvůli své vynikající rozpustnosti ve vodě vhodným filamentem pro tisk podpěr. PVA lze rozpustit ve vodě o teplotě 21°C již za pár hodin, pro rychlejší odstranění je dobré teplotu vody zvýšit.

    Skladem 10 až 100 ks

    929 Kč

  • PVA 1,75mm natural 350g Smartfil

    PVA 1,75 mm natural 350 g Smartfil. Podpůrný matetiál při 3D tisku. Netoxický, bez zápachu.

    1-7 dnů

    627 Kč

  • BVOH filament 1,75 mm bílý Verbatim 0,5 kg

    Tato 3D struna BVOH VERBATIM v bílé barvě vám díky rychlé době tavení zaručuje bezkonkurenční rychlost při tisku modelů s podporami oproti běžně používaným filamentům PVA / PVOH současnosti.

    Na cestě

    1999 Kč

  • PrimaSelect PVA HT (High Temp) - 2.85mm - 500 g - Natural

    Use PrimaSELECT PVA HT as water-soluble support material for your dual extruder 3D printer. 3D print overhangs and complex structures where you need support filament. Polyvinyl alcohol prints translucent with a slightly yellow tint.Key material features PrimaSELECT PVA HT:Support filament for dual extruder 3D printingWater-soluble materialSuitable for high temperature materials like ABS, ASA,...

    Na objednávku

    1169 Kč

  • Zortrax Z-SUPPORT Premium for M300 Dual - 1.75mm - 800g - Natural

    Z-SUPPORT Premium is a water-soluble support filament made of butenediol vinyl alcohol co-polymer (BVOH). It’s compatible with Z-GLASS, Z-PETG, Z-PLA, Z-PLA Pro, and Z-ULTRAT Plus, as it can work in a relatively wide range of printing temperatures. Z-SUPPORT Premium has a very fast dissolution rate and leaves no remnants on the model.ApplicationsHigh and low temperature 3D printing with...

    Dočasně vyprodáno

    3829 Kč

  • PrimaSelect BVOH - 2.85mm - 500 g - Natural

    BVOH filament from Prima Creator is a new type of highly useful support material. BVOH is used to print complex parts where traditional support materials doesn´t work. HighlightsWater SolubleHigh adhesion to many different types of materialsEasy to removeEnvironmentally friendly

    Na objednávku

    1169 Kč

  • Snapmaker PVA 500g

    Snapmaker's PVA is a water-soluble carrier material with an extra-smooth surface. Because PVA dissolves in ordinary tap water, it can be used as an excellent support structure carrier when printing highly complex geometries or hollow designs.Highlights:Offers full design and positioning freedomUltra-smooth surface finishDissolves in regular tap water

    Na objednávku

    1039 Kč

  • Polymaker Polydissolve S2 PVA

    PolyDissolve™ S2 is a dissolvable support for PC, ABS and ASA based filaments from Polymakers portfolio. It is specifically engineered to have a perfect interface with these materials while also displaying good solubility.Highlights:Soluble materialEspecially for PC, ABS and ASA plasticsFor dual extruders

    Na objednávku

    5069 Kč

  • Polymaker Polydissolve S1 PVA

    PolyDissolve™ S1 is a water dissolvable support for PLA, TPU, PVB and Nylon based filaments from Polymakers portfolio. It is specifically engineered to have a perfect interface with these materials while also displaying good solubility.Highlights:Water solubleGood adhesion to different materials

    Na objednávku

    1409 Kč

  • Polymaker Polydissolve S1 PVA

    PolyDissolve™ S1 is a water dissolvable support for PLA, TPU, PVB and Nylon based filaments from Polymakers portfolio. It is specifically engineered to have a perfect interface with these materials while also displaying good solubility.Highlights:Water solubleGood adhesion to different materials

    Na objednávku

    1409 Kč




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