
8 položek

  • UV Resin houževnatý Photocentric šedý 1 kg pro DLP tiskárny

    Výrobky jsou tuhé, ale vykazují dobrou pružnost, pevnost, dobré vlastnosti v tahu a ve střihu, malé smrštění. Po stlačení se vrátí do původní polohy.

    Skladem < 10 ks

    1696 Kč

  • PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP Resin - 500 ml - Light Grey

    Buy PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin to create 3D prints with delicate structures, fine details and wonderful surfaces. Process this resin on your UV LED & DLP 3D printer in a wavelength range of 395 to 405 nanometres.Material properties PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin:Application on your UV-LED & DLP-3D printersOptimized for processing in the wavelength range of 395-405 NmFine...

    Na objednávku

    359 Kč

  • PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP Resin - 500 ml - Black

    Buy PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin to create 3D prints with delicate structures, fine details and wonderful surfaces. Process this resin on your UV LED & DLP 3D printer in a wavelength range of 395 to 405 nanometres.Material properties PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin:Application on your UV-LED & DLP-3D printersOptimized for processing in the wavelength range of 395-405 NmFine...

    Na objednávku

    359 Kč

  • PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP Resin - 500 ml - Chromatic Silver

    Buy PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin to create 3D prints with delicate structures, fine details and wonderful surfaces. Process this resin on your UV LED & DLP 3D printer in a wavelength range of 395 to 405 nanometres.Material properties PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin:Application on your UV-LED & DLP-3D printersOptimized for processing in the wavelength range of 395-405 NmFine...

    Na objednávku

    359 Kč

  • PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP Resin - 1000 ml - White

    Buy PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin to create 3D prints with delicate structures, fine details and wonderful surfaces. Process this resin on your UV LED & DLP 3D printer in a wavelength range of 395 to 405 nanometres.Material properties PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin:Application on your UV-LED & DLP-3D printersOptimized for processing in the wavelength range of 395-405 NmFine...

    Na objednávku

    669 Kč

  • PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP Resin - 1000 ml - Black

    Buy PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin to create 3D prints with delicate structures, fine details and wonderful surfaces. Process this resin on your UV LED & DLP 3D printer in a wavelength range of 395 to 405 nanometres.Material properties PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin:Application on your UV-LED & DLP-3D printersOptimized for processing in the wavelength range of 395-405 NmFine...

    Na objednávku

    669 Kč

  • PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP Resin - 1000 ml - Light Grey

    Buy PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin to create 3D prints with delicate structures, fine details and wonderful surfaces. Process this resin on your UV LED & DLP 3D printer in a wavelength range of 395 to 405 nanometres.Material properties PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin:Application on your UV-LED & DLP-3D printersOptimized for processing in the wavelength range of 395-405 NmFine...

    Na objednávku

    669 Kč

  • PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP Resin - 500 ml - Clear

    Buy PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin to create 3D prints with delicate structures, fine details and wonderful surfaces. Process this resin on your UV LED & DLP 3D printer in a wavelength range of 395 to 405 nanometres.Material properties PrimaCreator Value UV / DLP resin:Application on your UV-LED & DLP-3D printersOptimized for processing in the wavelength range of 395-405 NmFine...

    Na objednávku

    359 Kč




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