
494 položek

  • DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Plated Copper Nozzle 0.2/1.75mm

    DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Plated Copper Nozzle 0.2/1.75mm

    Na objednávku

    349 Kč

  • DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Plated Copper Nozzle 0.4/1.75mm

    DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Plated Copper Nozzle 0.4/1.75mm

    Na objednávku

    349 Kč

  • DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Plated Copper Nozzle 0.6/1.75mm

    DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Plated CopperNozzle 0.6/1.75mm

    Na objednávku

    349 Kč

  • DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Plated Copper Nozzle 0.8/1.75mm

    DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Plated Copper Nozzle 0.8/1.75mm

    Na objednávku

    349 Kč

  • DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Hardened Steel Nozzle 0.2/1.75mm

    DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Hardened Steel Nozzle 0.2/1.75mm

    Na objednávku

    389 Kč

  • DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Hardened Steel Nozzle 0.4/1.75mm

    DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Hardened Steel Nozzle 0.4/1.75mm

    Na objednávku

    589 Kč

  • DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Hardened Steel Nozzle 0.6/1.75mm

    DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Hardened Steel Nozzle 0.6/1.75mm

    Na objednávku

    589 Kč

  • DropEffect XG M4 Threaded Hardened Steel Nozzle 0.8/1.75mm

    XG M4 Threaded Hardened Steel Nozzle 0.8/1.75mm

    Na objednávku

    589 Kč

  • E3D RapidChange Revo™ ObXidian Nozzle 0,4 mm

    Revo ObXidian is E3D's latest abrasive resistant Revo Nozzle offering, specifically designed for printing fibre-filled polymers. Unlike other abrasion resistant Nozzles, ObXidian’s copper alloy construction has a similar thermal performance to Brass, making it a true drop-in replacement. Just use the same slicer profiles as for your Brass Nozzles.Key Features:Material: Copper/Hardened...

    Na objednávku

    1719 Kč

  • E3D RapidChange Revo™ ObXidian Nozzle 0,6 mm

    Revo ObXidian is E3D's latest abrasive resistant Revo Nozzle offering, specifically designed for printing fibre-filled polymers. Unlike other abrasion resistant Nozzles, ObXidian’s copper alloy construction has a similar thermal performance to Brass, making it a true drop-in replacement. Just use the same slicer profiles as for your Brass Nozzles.Key Features:Material: Copper/Hardened...

    Na objednávku

    1719 Kč

  • Mosazná Volcano tryska 0,4 mm - český výrobek

    Mosazná tryska vyráběná naší společností v ČR. Tryska se závitem M6 - nejrozšířenější závit v 3D tiskárnách, lze použít do několik typů tiskáren. Vyrobeno v ČR.

    Skladem 10 až 100 ks

    119 Kč

  • E3D RapidChange Revo™ Brass 1.75mm 0.4mm Triple Nozzle Pack

    Swap your 3D printer’s nozzles in less than 60 seconds without tools or hot tightening – just use your fingers! If you can unscrew a tube of toothpaste, you can use a Revo Nozzle. Just screw one in to any Revo cold side and you’re ready to 3D print. Compatible with Revo cold sides, including Revo Six, Revo Micro, and Revo Hemera No need to hot tighten – each Revo Nozzle is a factory-assembled...

    Na objednávku

    1639 Kč

  • E3D RapidChange Revo™ Brass 1.75mm 0.8mm Nozzle

    Swap your 3D printer’s nozzles in less than 60 seconds without tools or hot tightening – just use your fingers! If you can unscrew a tube of toothpaste, you can use a Revo Nozzle. Just screw one in to any Revo cold side and you’re ready to 3D print. Compatible with Revo cold sides, including Revo Six, Revo Micro, and Revo Hemera No need to hot tighten – each Revo Nozzle is a factory-assembled...

    Na objednávku

    669 Kč

  • E3D RapidChange Revo™ Brass 1.75mm 0.6mm Nozzle

    Swap your 3D printer’s nozzles in less than 60 seconds without tools or hot tightening – just use your fingers! If you can unscrew a tube of toothpaste, you can use a Revo Nozzle. Just screw one in to any Revo cold side and you’re ready to 3D print. Compatible with Revo cold sides, including Revo Six, Revo Micro, and Revo Hemera No need to hot tighten – each Revo Nozzle is a factory-assembled...

    Na objednávku

    669 Kč

  • E3D RapidChange Revo™ Brass 1.75mm 0.4mm Nozzle

    Swap your 3D printer’s nozzles in less than 60 seconds without tools or hot tightening – just use your fingers! If you can unscrew a tube of toothpaste, you can use a Revo Nozzle. Just screw one in to any Revo cold side and you’re ready to 3D print. Compatible with Revo cold sides, including Revo Six, Revo Micro, and Revo Hemera No need to hot tighten – each Revo Nozzle is a factory-assembled...

    Na objednávku

    669 Kč


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