BondTech Raise3D DualDirect upgrade
Bondtech upgrade extruder for RAISE3D DualDirect with dual nozzles. This kit provides a high-performance material feeding system with the ability to print faster with improved quality. The adjustable thumbscrew allows you to fine-tune the force acting on the filament. The housing parts are professionally SLS printed in polyamide for maximum strength and precision. Please Note! On early printers an adapter cable is needed in order to connect the factory cable to the new motor. You can determine if your printer has legacy motors with an easy visual check. Motors that require an adapter will have a silver appearance (unpainted aluminum finish) on the front and rear side of the motor.  If the motors on your printer have a black front and rear motor endplate then you will not need this adapter. Čtěte více

Na objednávku

6629 Kč


This extruder upgrade kit for the Raise3D N1/N2/N2+ printer will replace the original feeder placed on the printhead.

It allows for a more reliable printing with all sorts of filaments, both stiff and flexibles and the DualDrive system ensures that the extruder never looses grip of the filament so grinding, slipping is a thing of the past.

Original extruder setup on Raise3D is 890g for dual setup, this new upgrade is 425g with the included motors and it allows for faster printing without surface issues due to vibration during accelerations/deaccelerations.

The kit comes with it owns lightweight pancake motors.

The extruder is equipped with two push-fit connectors for 4 mm guide tube that will let you connect the existing guide tubes to the extruder. Tubes are not included.

Installs in about half an hour with standard tools available.

This upgrade fits both the Revision 1 (casted) and Revision 2(cnc-milled) version of the printhead.

Full installation guide available at the tab installation guide.

Installation is done in about 20 minutes.

Plug & Play solution, no need to cut and solder wires.

E-step value: 415

It has come to our knowledge that if the ribbon cable to the break-out board gets unplugged when the printer is turned on, thermal runway might happen, make sure that the ribbon cable is securly held in place with hotmelt or a zip tie.


BondTech Raise3D DualDirect upgrade

BondTech Raise3D DualDirect upgrade
BondTech Raise3D DualDirect upgrade

6629 Kč

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