E3D RapidChange Revo™ Brass 1.75mm 0.15mm Nozzle

E3D RapidChange Revo™ Brass 1.75mm 0.15mm Nozzle

Swap your 3D printer’s nozzles in less than 60 seconds without tools or hot tightening – just use your fingers! If you can unscrew a tube of toothpaste, you can use a Revo Nozzle. Just screw one in to any Revo cold side and you’re ready to 3D print. Compatible with Revo cold sides, including Revo Six, Revo Micro, and Revo Hemera No need to hot tighten – each Revo Nozzle is a factory-assembled nozzle and heatbreak in one Works with a Revo HeaterCore for faster heat-ups and greater efficiency than most HotEnds on the market Compatible with popular FDM 3D printers, such as Creality, Ender, Prusa, Anet, Biqu, Monoprice, and many more Čtěte více

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669 Kč

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Experiment freely. With nozzle swapping this easy, you’re free to experiment with nozzle sizes you might not have used before. Set your 3D printer up for ultra-fine or ultra-thick extrusion widths in no time at all. Print large objects in less time, or tiny objects with high resolution.

Frustration-free. Each Revo Nozzle is a preassembled nozzle and heatbreak in one unit, so there’s no hazardous hot tightening and no chance of incorrect assembly. Say goodbye to frustrating HotEnd leaks and enjoy reliable 3D printing!

Rapid identification. Identify nozzle sizes at a glance thanks to a colour-coded silicone sock. Plus, each Revo Nozzle has its size engraved into it with easy-to-read numbers, so there are no confusing identification markers to learn!

An expanding range. We’re ready to make RapidChange Nozzles in any size. At launch, we’re introducing brass nozzles in 0.25mm, 0.4mm, 0.6mm and 0.8mm, with many more compatible nozzles to follow later. Wear-resistant and high flow variants are already on our roadmap and will follow over time.


Please note:

Revo™ Nozzles are not compatible with V6-style heaterblocks

You may need to adjust the Z offset when changing nozzles

E3D RapidChange Revo™ Brass 1.75mm 0.15mm Nozzle

E3D RapidChange Revo™ Brass 1.75mm 0.15mm Nozzle
E3D RapidChange Revo™ Brass 1.75mm 0.15mm Nozzle

669 Kč

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