Raise3D Pro3 Plus
One of the most popular professional printers in the world has a new version of their printer!Forged from the Pro2 Series, Raise3D's newly launched Pro3 Series 3D printers meet the needs of both production and multi-sized rapid prototyping, with high precision and round-the-clock stable operation, fulfilling the requirements of large-scale production and multi-sized rapid prototyping. A high-quality printer design that includes enhanced features and a smart assistant system known as EVE, all of which make the Pro3 Series an excellent option for professional 3D printing.Highlights Raise3D Pro3 Plus:Large build surface of 300mm x 300mm x 605mmIndependent modular extruder with detachable hot-endAuto bed leveling Flexible build plateAir flow manager and HEPA air filterEVE – Smart assistant helps locate and resolve issuesHot- end temperatures up to 300 ºC Čtěte více

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218429 Kč

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Raise3D Pro3 – Professional 3D Printer for companies & demanding end users

The Raise Raise3D Pro3 is a significant upgrade from the Raise3D Pro2. The manufacturer put many years of experience in 3D printing industry in this advanced FFF/FDM 3D printer. Moreover, the Pro3 is built to meet the demand of sophisticated end users and companies. Including many smart features, it has an unparalleled productivity and comes along with an easy-to-use interface.

More Features

  • One-Touch Sleep Mode
  • Filament Run-out Sensor
  • Automatic Detection
  • Fast Nozzle Switching
  • Z-axis Rod Stiffness Increased
  • Power Loss Recovery

Capable of Printing Filaments Up to 300°

PLA/ ABS/ HIPS/ PC/ TPU/ TPE/ PETG/ ASA/ PP/ PVA/ Nylon/ Glass Fiber Infused/ Carbon Fiber Infused/ Metal Fill/ Wood Fill

Printing Management

RaiseCloud: Remote management cloud platform Raise3D Printers: FFF 3D printers with wide applications

Data Conversion

ideaMaker: Powerful 3D slicer software

Data Preparation

Open Filament Program: Third-party slicing profile database Raise3D Academy
All-in-one 3D printing knowledge base ideaMaker Library: User community and slicing profile sharing platform

EVE Smart Assistant

The EVE assistant can guide users to accurately locate and resolve issues that could affect the final print job.
It has a function that gives users reminders about regular scheduled interventions to ensure that printer maintenance is performed on time.
It also helps reduce maintenance time and communication costs for an efficient maintenance process.

Lightweight Cable with Digital Temperature Measurement

The Pro3 Series replaces the drag chain cable with a lightweight cable, to reduce the weight of the extruder and keep the center of gravity in the middle during printing for more stable print quality. The Pro3 Series also uses digital temperature measurement, for accurate and anti-jamming temperature reading.

Air Flow Manager & HEPA Air Filter

The Air Flow Manager of the Pro3 Series improves heat dissipation and air circulation, and creates a stable environment inside the print chamber.
Equipped with a HEPA air filter, Air Flow Manager can also filter and clean the air inside the chamber.
The Pro3 Series uses HEPA air filtration to clean the air of any particles (including nano-particles) released during the 3D printing process. The HEPA air operates silently, quietly working in the background of any work area.

Flexible Build Plate

The flexible build plate can be bent to easily remove 3D printed parts while minimizing potential damage to the final print. The Pro3 Series is also compatible with metal build plate, and high temperature build plate made of 100% pure borosilicate glass.

Auto Bed Leveling

Auto bed leveling improves bed adhesion and allows the extruder to adjust to even the most minor of surface contour changes for better final print quality.

Independent Modular Extruder with Detachable Hot End

The Pro3 Series is equipped with an independent modular extruder with a dual extrusion structure. This allows the Pro3 Series to print using a variety of filaments, reduce clogging, and allow convenient disassembly and replacement of components. The hot end of the Pro3 Series is easy to remove, facilitating the replacement and maintenance of the hot end. Users can also easily take off the front cover of the extruder to accurately locate common printing impediments such as filament jams.


Construction an Technical Details  
Usable Nozzle Type Raise3D Pro2
Usable Filament Diameter 1.75 mm
Max Nozzle Temperature 300 ºC
Open Filament System Yes
Extruder Type Direct drive
Recommended Printing Speed Max 150 mm/s ( Build Area 300 mm x 300 mm x 605 mm Build Plate Temp Max 120 ºC Build Plate Surface BuildTak Build Plate Material Flexible Steel Plate Build Plate Attachment magnetic Build Plate Leveling System Mesh-leveling with Flatness Detection Build Chamber During Process Open or Closed Filament Chamber Closed Yes
Extruder Number Of 2
Extruder Construction Type Dual Dual-head with electronic lifting system
Installation Space / Requirements  
Total Mass Overall Dimensions 620 mm x 626 mm x 1105 mm
Total Weight 61.15 kg
Ambient Operating Temperature 15°C - 30°C
Max Power Consumption 600 W
Voltage AC: 100 V - 240 V, 3,3 A (50/60 Hz)   DC: 24 V
Hepa Filter Yes
Door Sensor Yes
Filament Runout Sensor Yes
Power Loss Fail Safe Yes
Touch Screen Yes
Camera Yes
Memory Internal Yes, 8 Gbyte
USB Port Yes
Ethernet Port Yes
Cloud Control Yes
Layer Height 0.01 - 0.25 mm
Shipping Weight 95.4 kg

Raise3D Pro3 Plus

Raise3D Pro3 Plus
Raise3D Pro3 Plus

218429 Kč

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