Snapmaker Artisan 3D Printer

Snapmaker Artisan 3D Printer

Snapmaker Artisan 3D Printer Čtěte více

Na objednávku

44849 Kč

Výrobce: Snapmaker


Artisan is our latest generation of 3-in-1 3D printer. Larger, stronger, and more accessible than ever, it's going to be your next desktop powerhouse.

Overall features:

• 300°C dual extrusion 3D printing

• 10W high power laser engraving and cutting

• 200W CNC carving and cutting

• Linear modules powered by industrial-grade transmission technology

• 400 × 400 × 400 large work area

• Quick-swap toolheads, platforms, and hot ends

• 7" touchscreen with brand new UI

• Free 3-in-1 software: Snapmaker Luban

• All metal design to the next level

• Laser-proof enclosure included

• Direct drive 3D printer

* 2 hot ends with 0.4 mm brass nozzles are included.

Please note that Artisan 3D Printer (3D Printing Version) can only 3D print. It can be also customized for more functionalities by getting Snapmaker Artisan 3D Printer (Standard 3-in-1 Addons).


Construction an Technical Details  
Max Nozzle Temperature 300 ºC
Open Filament System Yes
Extruder Type Direct drive
Recommended Printing Speed Max 200 mm/s ( Build Area 400 mm x 400 mm x 400 mm Build Plate Temp Max 110 ºC Build Plate Material coated glass plate Build Plate Attachment clamp Build Chamber During Process Open Extruder Number Of 2 Extruder Construction Type Dual IDEX - Independent Dual Extruders     Installation Space / Requirements   Total Mass Overall Dimensions 620 mm x 580 mm x 634 mm Total Weight 52.9 kg Max Power Consumption 450 W Voltage AC: V     Equipment   Emergency Shutdown Yes
Hepa Filter No
Door Sensor Yes
Door Lock During Print Yes
Touch Screen Yes
Camera Yes
USB Port Yes
Layer Height 0.12 - 0.24 mm
Shipping Weight 66.3 kg

Snapmaker Artisan 3D Printer

Snapmaker Artisan 3D Printer
Snapmaker Artisan 3D Printer

44849 Kč

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