Raise3D Hyper Speed PLA Filament

Raise3D Hyper Speed PLA Filament

Hyper Speed PLA filament is one of the specially developed filaments from the High-speed filament line for FFF printing. When printing at high speeds, the filament is rapidly fed into the heat block, and the polymer has very little time to melt from solid to a molten state, which can cause nozzle clogging and poor bonding quality between layers. With optimized molecular weight and tuned flowability, Raise3D Hyper Speed PLA can achieve faster melting in the hot end and much quicker cooling after the material has been extruded. As a result, the surface quality of parts printed by Hyper Speed filaments is smooth and most of the sharp details are kept. Čtěte více

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1489 Kč



Hyper Speed PLA filament is one of the specially developed filaments from the High-speed filament line for FFF printing. When printing at high speeds, the filament is rapidly fed into the heat block, and the polymer has very little time to melt from solid to a molten state, which can cause nozzle clogging and poor bonding quality between layers. With optimized molecular weight and tuned flowability, Raise3D Hyper Speed PLA can achieve faster melting in the hot end and much quicker cooling after the material has been extruded. As a result, the surface quality of parts printed by Hyper Speed filaments is smooth and most of the sharp details are kept. Most importantly, thanks to optimized molecular weight, Hyper Speed PLA shows excellent interlayer bonding quality and Z-direction strength. Therefore, Hyper speed PLA can be used for concept models and figures, prototyping, etc.

Printing settings:

  • Nozzle temperature: 200-230 ℃
  • Printing Speed: 50-300 mm/s
  • Build Platform Temperature: 45-60℃
  • Layer Height: 0.1 – 0.2 mm
  • Dry Temperature: 40℃


Please note that for Hyper Speed to function correctly, the Hyper Speed Hot Ends 0.4mm (Pro3 Series Only), the Hyper Speed Auto Calibrator (Pro3 Series Only), and the Hyper Speed Filaments must be installed on a Pro3 Series printer activated with Hyper Speed Mode. The absence of any of these components may result in printing failure.


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Printing Parameter  

Raise3D Hyper Speed PLA Filament

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Raise3D Hyper Speed PLA Filament
Raise3D Hyper Speed PLA Filament

1489 Kč

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