FLSUN - V400

V400 from FLSUN is one of the new up and coming filament printers on the markets that offers an incredible printing speed without loosing the printing quality. The V400 will save you up to 70% of printing time, which enables you to create more and bigger models.

  • Printing Speed: 400mm/s
  • Printing Size: Ø300 x 410mm
  • Silent Printing
  • Bi Metal 300°C
  • Direct Drive Extruder
  • Čtěte více

    Na objednávku

    20279 Kč


    FLSUN - V400


    Faster printing

    V400 can print at impressively 400mm/s while still guaranteeing good printing quality due to a pre-installed full Klipper firmware. Klipper allows a first-class printing experience and ensures high user-friendliness - even via WiFi!

    Compact Direct Drive Extruder

    Many 3D printers are equipped with a Bowden extruder because it ensures high printing speeds and, in contrast to a direct drive extruder, applies less weight to the moving hot end. But Flsun has created something unique with the V400: the hotend and the extruder have been combined, resulting in a particularly compact and lightweight system. They probably succeed in bringing one of the lightest and at the same time fastest direct-drive extruders onto the market!

    Construction an Technical Details 
    Usable Nozzle Type Volcano
    Usable Filament Diameter 1.75 mm
    Max Nozzle Temperature 300 ºC
    Open Filament SystemYes
    Extruder TypeDirect drive
    Recommended Printing Speed Max400 mm/s (
    Build Area300 mm x 300 mm x 410 mm
    Build Plate Temp Max110 ºC
    Build Plate SurfacePEI sheet
    Build Plate MaterialAluminum plate
    Build Plate Attachmentmagnetic
    Build Plate Leveling Systemautomatic
    Build Chamber During ProcessOpen
    Extruder Number Of 1
    Installation Space / Requirements 
    Total Mass Overall Dimensions 435 mm x 480 mm x 940 mm
    Total Weight 19 kg
    Ambient Operating Temperature 5°C - 40°C
    Max Power Consumption 450 W
    Voltage AC: 115 V - 230 V
    DC: 24 V
    Hepa FilterNo
    Filament Runout SensorYes
    Touch ScreenYes
    USB Port Yes
    Layer Height 0.05 - 0.3 mm
    Resolution 0.15 mm
    Shipping Box 985 mm x 460 mm x 190 mm
    Shipping Weight 21 kg

    FLSUN - V400
    FLSUN - V400
    FLSUN - V400

    20279 Kč

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