Raise3D Filament Run-Out Sensor
Print large objects and material intensive pieces fearlessly. The Filament Run-Out Sensor add-on is a job-saving feature that detects when you’ve reached the end of your filament, and saves your project until you can return to reload.
A must-have for manufacturing and production printers. Čtěte více

Na objednávku

3269 Kč

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Print large objects and material intensive pieces fearlessly. The Filament Run-Out Sensor add-on is a job-saving feature that detects when you’ve reached the end of your filament, and saves your project until you can return to reload.

A must-have for manufacturing and production printers.

Maximize ROI of filaments by using materials to their end. 

Eliminate the risk of unfinished prints and the waste of half-used filament spools. The Filament Run-Out Sensor monitors your filament and prevent unfinished prints and “air printing”.

For large volume prints that require multiple spools or for specialty filament options prone to breakage, the sensor will automatically detect when material has run out and will pause your project until you to return. Combined with Raise3D print recovery for power outages, this add-on ensures continuous production with your N-Series system.

The Filament Run-Out Sensor detects filaments with high quality optical sensors compatible with: opaque, translucent, and transparent filaments. Without the interference of physical gears or grips, this optical sensor maintains constancy and tension allowing compatibility with multiple material types including flexible filaments.

Raise3D Filament Run-Out Sensor
Raise3D Filament Run-Out Sensor
Raise3D Filament Run-Out Sensor

3269 Kč

Nový dotaz k produktu

Kontrolný kód


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