Zortrax Inkspire 2 3D Printer
Zortrax Inkspire 2 is a high-end UV LCD 3D printer designed to work with quality resins in a highly automated, streamlined process. Compared to the old Inkspire, it is larger, more powerful, and better in almost every way. The Inkspire 2, along with its complementing post-processing devices, have been thoroughly validated by world’s leading brands like BASF and Henkel to guarantee that each print has mechanical and thermal properties equal to or better than those declared by the manufacturer.Highlights:192 x 120 x 280mm Build VolumeXY precision: 50µ; layer height: 25µ/50µ/100µPrecalibrated Build PlatformAutomated Resin Level Control Čtěte více

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108029 Kč

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Inkspire 2


Light Engine

UV LED light source 405nm. proprietary matrix of light LEDs and light distribution guarantees uniform UV exposure across the entire build platform and high optical precision of every single pixel regardless of how much of the build platform is filled. In consequence, the same high dimensional accuracy can be achieved both in the center and on the edges of the build platform. Due to this proprietary technology, the Inkspire 2 guarantees the highest mechanical and thermal properties of prints made with professional resins from world-leading manufacturers like BASF or Henkel.

UV Cover

The UV cover effectively protects against exposure of resins to external UV light sources and reduces the emission of vapors to the environment.

Build Platform Removal Mechanism and Resin Dripping

The build platform can be removed and attached back in the same exact position. The mounting enables leaving the build platform in an angled position which facilities resin dripping after the printing is done.


The build platform is factory-calibrated which means the Inkspire 2 is ready for work out of the box. If necessary, the printer can be also calibrated by the user following a GUI’s simple manual. The calibration process is based on the adjustment of 3 platform screws.

Resin Vat

Fitted with an easy removal and attachments system making positioning easier along with a system improving the FEP membrane functioning.

Resin Level Control System Components:

  • Resin pump. Due to the automatic resin feeding system the Inskpire 2 can transfer more of the resin directly from the bottle if the amount present in the vat is not enough to get the print done. Resin bottles can be easily attached to the pump and placed in a dedicated holder.
  • The pump works both ways. There is no need to remove the resin vat to transfer excessive resin back to the bottle. The pump can do it automatically.
  • Resin wiper mechanism keeping the optimal dispersion in the resin. The wiper working in the vat prevents sedimentation in the resin which often occurs in more complex photopolymers during longer prints. The wiper speed is adjusted for each resin calibrated for the Inkspire 2.
  • Resin level sensor. Placed in the resin vat, the sensor constantly measures how much resin is left. Keeping the resin level steady, to an extent, solves the issue of oxygen inhibition which keeps the photopolymers from solidifying.
  • Resin bottle mass sensor. The sensor complements the sensor placed in the resin vat and measures how much resin is left in the bottle placed in the holder. Readouts from both sensors asses how much resin is overall available for the current print. The bottle holder is designed to accommodate most popular resin bottle designs.

If the Inkspire 2 detects that there is not enough resin to finish the print, it notifies the user with appropriate message on the screen. If the resin runs out during printing, the process will be paused automatically.


Thanks to the updated safety features for the Inkspire 2 the print will automatically be paused when a power outage is detected and resume from the same spot when the power is back on. The printer also has resin level control systems as well as built-in Carbon and Hepa filters to limit the user’s exposure to resin fumes.


Device rinsing and cleaning functions adjustable in firmware, adjustable feet to enable easy leveling of the printer on the surface.

Construction an Technical Details  
Resin Print Technology UV LCD
Resin UV Wavelength 405 nm
Resin UV Light Type UV-LED
Resin Display Type monochrome LCD
Resin Display Resolution 50 µm
Build Area 192 mm x 120 mm x 280 mm
Installation Space / Requirements  
Total Mass Overall Dimensions 320 mm x 380 mm x 660 mm
Total Weight 27.8 kg
Ambient Operating Temperature 20°C - 40°C
Max Power Consumption 340 W
Voltage AC: 100 V240 V (50-60 Hz)
Emergency Shutdown Yes
Touch Screen Yes
USB Port Yes
Ethernet Port Yes
Cloud Control Yes

Zortrax Inkspire 2 3D Printer

Zortrax Inkspire 2 3D Printer
Zortrax Inkspire 2 3D Printer

108029 Kč

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