Zortrax Curing Station
Zortrax curing station is designed to provide necessary UV curing for models printed on a resin 3D printer and is fully automated. UV exposure time is set individually for each supported resin but usually does not exceed a few minutes. It’s dedicated to post-process even the most professional and demanding types of resin.Highlights:Supports most popular resin 3D printing technologies like UV LCD, DLP, and SLAEasy and safe useMetal sheets polished according to the class EN 10088-2 2P / ASTM No. 8 with mirror finish, which provides uniform UV exposure for the cured models Čtěte více

Na objednávku

107249 Kč

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Zortrax Curing Station

The curing process is fully automated. UV exposure time is set individually for each supported resin, but usually does not exceed a few minutes. The curing station provides Soft close door with glass and a layer of PMMA filter. Together, the two layers ensure the user can safely watch the curing process with no UV radiation getting outside of the curing chamber. The device has a sensor which immediately shuts down the UV lamps when the door is open.

Zortrax Curing Station

Zortrax Curing Station
Zortrax Curing Station

107249 Kč

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