Phaetus aeGlass Ultra PA-GF Beige

Phaetus aeGlass Ultra PA-GF Beige

Glass fibre reinforced high temperature polyamide Modified high-temperature nylon base Excellent heat resistance Excellent mechanical properties Low sensitivity to moisture Čtěte více

Na objednávku

1659 Kč



Intelligent fibre-reinforced technology

The Smart Fiber Reinforced Technology significantly improves the mechanical properties and heat resistance of the material and relieves the internal stresses during the printing process through the fibre fabric structure, which leads to good dimensional stability of the printed part and no warping.

Low sensitivity to moisture

aeGlass ™ Ultra PA-GF is based on modified high-temperature nylon, the saturated moisture absorption rate of which is only a tenth of ordinary PA6, thus eliminating the deficiencies in the mechanical properties and dimensional stability of nylon materials, which change greatly after being absorbed by moisture.

Super abrasion resistance

aeGlass ™ UltraPA-GF has a low coefficient of friction, self-lubricating properties and excellent wear resistance, which can easily meet all types of high-strength gears or industrial applications with high wear requirements.

Since nylon places high demands on the nozzle, the following nozzles are recommended for use:

  • Hardened steel nozzles
  • Ruby nozzles
  • Tungsten Carbide


Basic Data Printing Parameter 


Phaetus aeGlass Ultra PA-GF Beige

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Phaetus aeGlass Ultra PA-GF Beige
Phaetus aeGlass Ultra PA-GF Beige

1659 Kč

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